Did you remember ?, Few month ago an Ubuntu Artwork has made a challenge for community/individual to submit their best wallpaper/artwork here to be include as default wallpapers in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot.

The time has come, Ubuntu Artwork has choose best 14 community wallpapers, to be include as default wallpapers in Ubuntu 11.10 along with default wallpapers that provide by official, So you will get 15 Fresh Wallpapers in Ubuntu 11.10 which have never included in it's previous version.

Today we search in YouTube looking for someone who have tried Gnome 3.2, Yataii !!  and we found it. We found interesting video from fredbezies who have tried Gnome 3.2 in their machines (Archlinux)So check this out, give your own assessment. 

Gnome 3.2 Features and Review Video

From video that uploaded by fredbezies above, i see that not so many thing changes (in term of appearance and artwork) in Gnome 3.2. Some visible change are it's using nautilus 3.2.0 and new window decoration, and some effect which remind us with safari (browser from Apple.Inc). 

See our article here, To Install Gnome 3.2 in Ubuntu 11.04 and Ubuntu 11.10 via PPA.

Finally Mozilla Firefox 7 released, Since Firefox 7 beta shipped with Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 2, we guess (can be ensured) that Firefox 7 Final will released soon along with ubuntu 11.10 release in October 13th and will be shipped as default browser there.

Firefox 7 Final Features
Unlike in the previous release, on this release there are not many changes happen, in term of performance or appearance, here some features you can found at Firefox 7 Final :

  • Simple options for add-ons embedded in the main UI,  For detail of this feature you can read in here.
  • Improve Responsiveness with Memory Reductions, For detail of this feature you can read in here.

GNOME 3.2 is ready to Rocks !!, The GNOME team is done with major revamps for a while, GNOME 3.2 is all about polish, adding new features and improving some else.

GNOME 3.2 scheduled to be released in 28 September 2011, but you can test it via PPA that maintain by Rico Tzschichholz. Gnome 3.2 come with an integrated chat, share files and even take calls from the GNOME without the need to install any additional apps.

Here some features and changes which available in Gnome 3.2 (GTK+ 3.2.0 Features) :

  • Many improvements to the CSS theming support
  • Width-for-height support in many more widgets:
  • GtkPaned, GtkMenuBar, GtkNotebook,
  • New experimental Wayland and HTML5 backends
  • GtkFileChooser and GtkAssistant have received face-lifts
  • The GtkFontSelection has been replaced by a new
  • family of GtkFontChooser widgets
  • New widgets: GtkLockButton and GtkOVerlay

Ubuntu Tweak is an application designed to config Ubuntu easier for everyone, It provided many usefull desktop and system options that the default desktop environment isn’t provided.At present, Ubuntu Tweak have come to version 0.6 (beta).

On this release, Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 Beta come with following changes and features :

  • New User Interface
  • New clips feature: first screen information
  • All features are plug-able
  • Package Cleaner becomes a new major part feature as the “Janitor”
Ubuntu Tweak 0.6 Beta Screenshot
Four `fresh` major features which available on this release is Overview, Tweaks, Admins and Janitor

Continue what I wrote here about how to use any Backtrack 5 application ubuntu, a few days ago someone asked me "How to install Backtrack 5 r1 application in Ubuntu?",  so I thought of having to write it here.

For those of you who focus on computer/network security and love being Ubuntu user, You do not need to consider switching to other distros because you can Install any security application which available on Backtrack 5 on your Ubuntu. You can  add Backtrack 5 repository to your ubuntu following this :

Note : Use only if you have Legal Copy of Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Office 2007 is such a popular word processing application although until now it'a still not available yet for ubuntu or other Linux distro. When you are using Ubuntu and you do not feel familiar with LibreOffice it's good try to install Microsoft Office 2007 in your Ubuntu (*if you have the legal copy) I think it is a wise choice than you are sacrificing your time.

To be able to install Microsoft Office 2007 in Ubuntu we need such supporting application and library  so that Office 2007 can be work properly, some of these applications are Wine 1.3, Winetrick, msttcorefonts-offline library (to make clear type and smooth font face) and some required library.  Here are step by step to install Microsoft Office 2007 in Ubuntu 11.10 :

Sweet Home 3D allows you to design your dream home with ease. It comes with various "components" (furniture) ready-made such as sofas, tables, chairs, bed and others. The results of the design of artificial Sweet Home 3D can be exported into PDF, image files (PNG), video and 3D file format standard.
For more details, please check the video tutorial here.

Download Sweet Home 3D
You can download Sweet Home 3D Application through following links.

Rapidly Open Source development encourage Infoworld to confer Open Source developer/application as `the Best Open Source of the year` are considered to be very feasible to accept the award in his field. Here  are the best Open Source Application of the year picked from InfoWorld's Test Center compiled By , , , from InfoWorld.

Best Open Source Application 2011

  • Apache Lucene & Solr
  • Bonita Open Solution
  • Drupal
  • OpenBravo ERP
  • Pentaho BI Suite
  • Sugar CRM
  • WordPress

What is PlexyDesk
PlexyDesk s such Desktop widget which run on various desktop envoroment (KDE,GNOME, Unity, Mac OS and Windows) powered by Qt/QML, through Playdesk you can easily changging wallpapers by dragging and dropping any image you like from your file manager. Here some features that you can get in Playdesk :
  • Small selection of widgets (clock, photo frame, file browser)
  • Some widgets have extra themes – just right-click to switch between them
  • Ability to change desktop wallpaper by dragging and dropping an image on to the desktop
  • 3D support
  • Themepack support for changing themes (QML)
  • Drag and drop adding of new widgets

Yesterday (6 Sept 2011), Adobe labs officially released Flash Player 11 Release Candidate (RC) through this page, some new features that available on Flash Player 11 are :

  • Native 64-bit Support (Flash Player desktop) — Take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
  • Asynchronous Bitmap Decoding (new for Flash Player) — Improve app responsiveness and deliver smoother animation by decoding images on initial load instead of on demand. Images are cached as needed.
  • TLS Secure Sockets Support (new for Flash Player) — Enables secure communications for client/server applications.
  • Some other features you can find in here

Despite it's has been confirmed that Ubuntu 11.10 Oneric will not shipped with Gnome 3, some ubuntu user assume that Gnome still the best compared with Unity.Although Linus Torvald have expressed his disappointment to Gnome 3 performance, we still hope Gnome 3 will make significant changes and accommodate the user desire. If you feel confortable of using Global Menu, here is step to Install Global menu on Gnome 3 :

Since Ubuntu 11.04 released many people feels their battery life getting shorter than previous, This problem might be caused by difference kernel used and ofcourse a`luxury` display and some desktop effect make GPU should work more hard. We think it's possible to extend a battery life of a laptop/notebook/netbook by disabling various services and installing various packages. Here is tips to extend your battery life summarized from askubuntu.com.

In several case Broadcom 43xx Wireless Card often getting error in Ubuntu (since ubuntu 8.04), some of them `recognize` the device but the wireless didn't work moreover the system can't detect any wireless installed (no wireless found). Regarding to that problem many forum have been discussed, here are summary of step by step how to fix Broadcom 43xx Wireless Card Error in Ubuntu.

Make sure Broadcom Wireless card installed properly
First step, make it sure that some of Broadcom Wireless card has been installed properly and detect by kernel, do following command on the terminal :

lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation
If give following output :
0000:02:0d.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)

A resume of  Linus Torvald (a person who made Linux kernel) Interview with Greg Kroah-Hartman at Linuxcon Japan 2011 above, also can be read on following links :

Before the commercial ventures, Linux tended to be rather hard to set up, because most of the developers were motivated mainly by their own interests.

      Linus Torvalds

Seems a long time not update this blog, this morning we have been check Mozilla Firefox FTP we found Mozilla Firefox 7.0 Beta (Build 3) has been available and ready for download since 30 August. This Version has been release within 15 Days from previous release Mozilla Firefox 6 Final.

Yesterday, Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot (first) Beta has been released and ready for download. As previous, a Beta release is always likely/closed to the Final release, what changes would get there, find out here on quidsup's youtube video.

Ubuntu 11.10 Beta Review Video
What changes, what different, and what features will you find in Ubuntu 11.10 [Final] seems you can peek on this release, check following Ubuntu 11.10 Beta Review Video.