Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 00:00

This tutorial explains how you can enable your Deepin GNU/Linux version 20 upwards on your computer (codenamed Apricot) to install more software. This done by setting up the repository (central of software on the internet) so the user has the correct configuration. The result is you can later search, download, and run software you wish on your Deepin computer. You are required to be able to edit text in administrator mode to practice this. For experienced persons, you may want to go to Sources.list section right away.

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Run Terminal

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your Deepin desktop.

Open The File

Run command line below. It opens the repository file you will edit with administrator rights. At the first time, it may contains multiple text lines with URL addresses pointing to and else.

$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Delete All Text

With Backspace key, delete all text you see on screen. Don't worry, it is normal. 

Add Sources.list

Copy and paste text below to your terminal screen and make sure to not make a mistake. Warning: this example adds you nonfree software repositories by the code 'non-free' and may introduce you to ones by the code 'contrib' so if you want to go fully free software (like Debian and Trisquel) you can remove every one of 'non-free' and 'contrib' and let the 'main' ones only.

Text to copy:

deb [trusted=yes by-hash=force] apricot main contrib non-free

deb [trusted=yes by-hash=force] apricot main contrib non-free


Save File

On the terminal, still with GNU nano showing, press Ctrl+O.

Then, press Enter right away.

Then, press Ctrl+X.

Everything has been configured correctly.



Once everything is configured correctly, now you can refresh your Deepin computer so it knows all the download links to every software you want. Otherwise, you cannot search neither download any software. This process requires internet access and will say it grabbed about 30 to 40MB of data.

$ sudo apt-get update

Example in picture:

Try to Search & Install Software

To search for a software, you do a command line with keyword that will match either the name or the description of it. Some example below:

$ apt-cache search gimp # to find GNU Image Manipulation Program

$ apt-cache search firefox # to find the world most popular browser

$ apt-cache search player # to find either video or music player

To install a software, read the software name (package name), and write the package name after the command. Some example below:

$ sudo apt-get install gimp # to install Gimp

$ sudo apt-get install firefox # to install browser we love

$ sudo apt-get install vlc # to install VLC Media Player

As an example, here is a Deepin 20.2 computer installing KiCAD program:


Repository Changes in 20 (Official News)

Software Repository Setup (Official Documentation)

Third Party Repository (Community Help)

Enjoy Deepin!

This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.