Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Friday, March 13, 2020 at 11:20

As continuation to the previous tutorial, here is the other way around Ubuntu with Mint icon themes. Unlike Ubuntu's, this icon theme called Mint-Y is one but divided into different color sub-theme such as Mint-Y-Dark and so on. This tutorial will explain in simple ways where and what to download and how to install and switch the icon theme. Enjoy customization!

(Ubuntu with Mint-Y green and round icon theme)

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What is needed to download? It is the compressed package file in .tar format containing the icons. You can grab it from Mint's official package repository. Alternatively, if you know programming, you can download it from GitHub instead.

- Repo:
- GitHub:

(Latest package is dated 2019 with download size 60MB at the time I write this article)
(The highlighted package above is the one included in Mint Cinnamon 19.3 "Tricia")


- Extract the compressed archive file.
- You got a new folder named mint-y-blablabla.
- You see in it there is mint-y folder.
- You see in it there are many folders which names started with Mint-Y-.
- Create a folder named .icons in your ~ directory. - If it existed, let it be.
- Copy all folders which name started with Mint-Y- into ~/.icons folder.
- All icon theme successfully installed.

 (Ubuntu file manager displaying contents of ~/.icons folder alias /home/ubuntu/.icons on my system)
(All  Mint-Y-  folders above are copied from the downloaded package)

Switch Icon

- Run GNOME Tweak Tool. If you don't have it, jump to next section first.
- Open the section Appearance.
- Change Icon choice into Mint-Y.
- Icon theme changed into Mint-Y.
- You can change into another variant if you like for example Mint-Y-Dark.

(Notice the new icons of Firefox, LibreOffice, Language Settings, Rhythmbox and Nautilus which are now rounder: that is Mint-Y icon theme!)

How to install GNOME Tweak Tool

- Do reload command[1].
- Do installation command[2].
- Open start menu.
- Type the keyword gnome tweak.
- You should find a new program with the label GNOME Tweaks.
- Click it to run GNOME Tweak Tool.

[1] Reload
$ sudo apt-get update

[2] Install
$ sudo apt-get install gnome-tweaks

That's all. I hope this will be useful for you!

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