Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 11:55


This tutorial explains how to create free (no cost) email account at BitMessage E-mail and setup it in mail client with IMAP mode on Ubuntu. The mail client used here is Thunderbird, which is only an example as you can apply same steps to Icedove and other mail clients. You will get mail address, which can send/receive emails to regular emails such as and, and with ability to delete your account permanently. Happy emailing!

About Privacy and BitMessage

We are all more aware today about our online privacy since the global surveillance 2013 case. Because of this awareness, we may want alternative to Gmail service owned by Google, and some of us will have difficulties to find such gratis (no cost) service with IMAP/POP feature, with privacy protection. BitMessage E-mail Gateway is an email provider hosted in Switzerland recommended by, PRISM Break, and PRXBX (checked 4 July 2018). It's free (no cost) and it supports IMAP/POP client, a very rare feature of privacy-oriented gratis service.


1. Sign Up

Register a new account at The registration is quite instant.

Registration page

2. You Get An Email Account

Check your mail inbox you used to register. Your username and password for BitMessage Mail is there (if not, check your Spam Box). The mail address you get looks like, it is not so cool, and it is always started with BM-. But you can change this address with a cool alias like for example.

Your email address and password delivered

3. Change Your Password

Changing password in BitMessage Mail Admin page

4. Create Your Cool Alias

You can create a cool alias like per account. An alias is equivalent to your Gmail/Yahoo! Mail address, like, instead of the hard-to-remember You can use this alias to send/receive emails with your regular email friends! Go to Alias Page and have on for yourself.

Creating an easy to remember email alias

5. Setup Mail Client with IMAP

  • Open up your Thunderbird Mail Client.
  • Create new mail account or open the Mail Account Setup.
  • Type your BM-address (not the cool alias address) as username, and your BitMessage password as password > Continue.
  • Thunderbird will automatically guess IMAP/POP address based on your credentials. The guess is incorrect so we need to edit it below.

  • Click Manual Config button > change into > change into as well > leave the rest untouched > Done.

Only change Incoming and Outgoing addresses

Finally, setup your alias in Thunderbird: right-click your email account on left panel > Settings > enter your alias to both Account Name: and Email address: fields > OK.

Final setting: make yourself can send/receive with cool alias!

You will have Thunderbird looks like this after setting:

See the mail alias? Yes, that is!

Note: do you want POP setting instead? Just change the selection to POP instead of IMAP in the beginning of configuration above.

Send and Receive Emails!

All done! Now you can send emails to your Gmail/Yahoo! friends. And your friends can send emails to you as well once they know your address.

Sending email:

I'm sending email to regular email

Receiving email:

I've got a mail from regular email!

Login to Webmail

You cannot use your alias for webmail login. Use your BM- address instead.

Yes, like Gmail, BitMessage Email also provides webmail. Login to using your BM- address. You will get a familiar, nice webmail interface similar to Gmail's one.

User friendly webmail for us

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