Here is a list of some of the most common and ubiquitous Acronyms/Abbreviations/Jargon of Linux/FOSS that every Linux/FOSS user should know.

01. APT- Advanced Package Tool
02. BSD – Berkeley Software Distribution
03. bash – Bourne again shell
04. cc - C compiler
05. csh – C shell
06. FOSS - Free and Open Source Software
07. GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program
08. GNU - GNU is Not UNIX
09. GNOME – Gnu Network Object Modeling Environment
10. GTK - GIMP Toolkit
11. GPL – GNU General Public License
12. grep - Global regular expression print
13. GCC - GNU C Compiler
14. Grub- Grand Unified Bootloader
15. ksh – Korn shell
17. KDE – K Desktop Environment
18. LILO - Linux Loader
19. LINUX – Linus Torvald’s UNIX  ;Linux Is Not Unix; Linus’s MINIX
20. LUG – Linux users group
21. LFS - Linux From Scratch
22. lex - Lexical analyser
23. MD5 – Message digest 5
24. man - Manual
25. POSIX – Portable operating system interface
26. pwd – Print working directory
27. RHCE - Red Hat Certified Engineer
28. RPM – Red Hat package manager
29. sed - Stream editor
30. SUSE – Software- und System-Entwicklung(Software and system development)
31. tar – Tape archive
32. telnet - Terminal over network
33. UNIX - UNIpleX information and computer services
34. VimVi - Improved
35. WINE - WINE is not an emulator
36. X – X Window System
37. YaST - Yet another Setup Tool
38. yacc – Yet another compiler compiler