Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Sunday, July 9, 2017 at 00:34

These are some suggestions you can use whenever finished installing KDE Neon OS. This article is divided to 6 sections including basic settings, suggestion for most users, for programmers, for graphic designers, and for students/teachers. I hope this article helps you to make Neon OS ready for your daily life. Enjoy Neon GNU/Linux!

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1. Settings

Point a-c are optional, if you don't like them go to d instead. Remember that your system is your responsibility so perform these at your own risk.

a. Arrange Sources.list

The default sources.list file of Neon OS is very long (more than 30 lines) and hard to read. You can simplify it to have only 4 lines like this:
deb xenial main restricted multiverse universe
deb xenial-updates main restricted multiverse universe
deb xenial-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse

b. Disable DEP-11

If you don't use Plasma Discover (the software center) then obviously you don't need APT to fetch DEP-11 files in every apt-get update. You can disable only DEP-11 by deleting '50appstream' file:
sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50appstream

c. Disable Unattended Upgrade

If your internet bandwidth is limited, 'unattended-upgrades' feature could waste it without you noticing. It's actually a feature to automatically download updates (it could be hundreds of MB) in the background. If you dislike it, disable it by removal:

Option 1:
sudo apt-get remove unattended-upgrades
Option 2:
sudo rm /usr/bin/unattended-upgrades

d. Reload

This one is safe and a well-known command:
sudo apt-get update

2. For Most Users:

Install LibreOffice! This makes Neon ready as daily jobs OS. You can install the whole suite by performing a command line:  $ sudo apt-get install libreoffice .

Install audio player. Although Neon OS includes VLC Player already, it doesn't include any audio player (not even KDE Amarok). So you can install this Amarok Audio Player for example:  $ sudo apt-get install amarok  and enjoy the best audio playback!

3. For Firefox:

Have some nice addons like these:

  • uBlock
  • DownThemAll!
  • Google search link fix
  • Saved from URL
  • Load from cache
  • Tile View
  • Image Block

4. For Programmers:

Install Qt Creator! It's a C++ IDE specialized for Qt Framework. You can install it by performing a command:  $ sudo apt-get install qtcreator .


5. For Graphic Designers:

Install Inkscape and GIMP! Read more on the list of image editors for GNU/Linux.

6. For Students and Teachers:

Install KDE Edu Packages! For example, you may install KDE Marble to replace Google Earth, or KAlgebra to exercise algebra and mathematic. KDE supports educations very much for both students and teachers so they provide us many programs in a set called KDE Edu, serving pre-school and all degrees. Learn more about KDE Edu here.