This article collects resources and materials (e.g. download links) from the recently held (between August and September 2016) international conferences, hackfest, and meeting in Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) community worldwide. I cover 4 conferences: GHM 2016, LibreOffice Conference 2016, QtCon 2016, and Akademy 2016; plus the next 2 conferences for October 2016 (openSUSE.Asia Summit 2016 and SFK2016) at the end. If you find any broken link or new link/information, please inform me via comment. I hope this new kind of UbuntuBuzz article would be really helpful for you.
I write this to help anyone to download every materials or resources available from them. To describe contents of this article: you will find some links to download the video or audio, presentations or text documents, or links to the official conference information, or at least the detailed information about the conference. For example, this article (and the next articles) will bring materials from already held GHM, Linux Kernel Summit, FOSDEM, GUADEC, Akademy, and such FLOSS conferences. I want every FLOSS community member can access the materials easily.
A. Finished Conferences
1. GNU Hackers' Meeting 2016
- What: GHM (GNU Hackers' Meeting) is an international conference annually held for GNU operating system developers (the hackers) and everyone interested to discuss ethical, technical, social, organizational, and another aspects of free software and GNU operating system.
- When: 18-20 August 2016
- Where: Rennes, France
- Official website: https://www.gnu.org/ghm/2016, https://www.gnu.org/ghm,
- Program: https://www.gnu.org/ghm/program.html
- Official report (PDF): https://libreplanet.org/w/images/e/ea/GHMTalk.pdf
- Official videos (downloads): http://videos.rennes.inria.fr/Workshop-GNUHackersMeetings2016/index-WorkshopGNU2016.html
2. LibreOffice Conference 2016
- What: LibreOffice Conference (also called LiboCon) is an international conference for developers and users of LibreOffice.
- When: 7-9 September 2016
- Where: Brno, Czech Republic
- Official website: https://conference.libreoffice.org
- Program (PDF): https://conference.libreoffice.org/assets/Conference/Brno/brno-schedule.pdf
- List of events: https://conference.libreoffice.org/2016/events/
- Official videos (YouTube): Short; Closing; New Features in General, Writer, Calc, Impress
- Photos: Dropbox
- Brochure download (PDF): Dropbox
- Slide downloads (Speakers): LibreOffice Macros, LibreOffice Migration in Taiwan, LibreOffice Bugs in Japanese Environments, UX of The Area Fill
- Mailing list archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/conference/
- External articles (Participants): Eischmann; FSFE Commentary;
3. QtCon 2016
- What: QtCon is a Qt Framework (https://www.qt.io) international conference for developers, contributors, users, and public. QtCon 2016 is held at the same place as Akademy 2016.
- When: 1-8 September 2016
- Where: Berlin, Germany
- Official website: https://qtcon.org
- Program: https://conf.qtcon.org/en/qtcon/public/schedule, https://qtcon.org/about
- List of events: https://conf.qtcon.org/en/qtcon/public/events
- List of trainings: https://qtcon.org/kdab-training-day
- Official videos (downloads): https://streaming.media.ccc.de/qtcon16/relive/
- Official videos (YouTube): QtCon Akademy 2016
- Official articles: Call For Papers, Registration, First Day, Wrap Up
4. Akademy 2016
- What: Akademy is an international conference for all KDE contributors. Akademy 2016 is part of QtCon 2016, held at the same time and place.
- When: 1-8 September 2016
- Where: Berlin, Germany
- Official website: https://akademy.kde.org
- Program: https://akademy.kde.org, https://conf.qtcon.org/en/qtcon/public/events
- List of events: https://community.kde.org/Akademy/2016/AllBoF
- Official videos (downloads): http://files.kde.org/akademy/2016/
- Official videos (YouTube): QtCon Akademy 2016
- Official photos: https://community.kde.org/Akademy/2016/Photos
- Official articles: Akademy 2016 Part of QtCon, QtCon Opening, Akademy Awards, KDE Returns Home, Talk & Hacking
B. Upcoming Conferences
1. openSUSE.Asia Summit 2016
- What: openSUSE.Asia Summit is an international conference for developers and users of openSUSE in Asia continent. The openSUSE.Asia Summit 2016 in Yogyakarta is the third summit after the first (Beijing 2014) and the second (Taiwan 2015).
- When: 1-2 October 2016
- Where: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Official website: https://events.opensuse.org/conference/summitasia16
- Program: https://events.opensuse.org/conference/summitasia16/schedule#program
- Schedule: https://events.opensuse.org/conference/summitasia16/schedule
- Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/opensuse-asia-summit-2016-tickets-26071557731
- Map: https://events.opensuse.org/conference/summitasia16
- Contact: Estu Fardani estu@opensuse.id, Yan Arief Purwanto yan@yanrf.com
- Artworks: https://github.com/cho2/openSUSE-Asia-Summit-2016-artwork
2. Software Freedom Kosova 2016
- What: SFK (Software Freedom Kosova) is an international conference of FLOSS held at Kosovo. This SFK 2016 will be the 7th conference.
- When: 21-23 October 2016
- Where: Prishtina, Kosovo
- Official website: http://sfk.flossk.org/sfk16
- Program: not available yet
- Schedule: not available yet
- Sponsors: http://sfk.flossk.org/sfk16/#sponsors
- Map: Map 1, Map 2, Map 3
- Become a sponsor (PDF): http://sfk.flossk.org/sfk16/Become_a_sponsor_SFK16.pdf
- Contact: info [AT] flossk [DOT] org
About FLOSS Community
FLOSS (Free/Libre & Open Source Software) is a combination of free software and open source communities worldwide, concerning mainly about software freedom and open source methodology, spreading values and software such as GNU/Linux operating systems, Mozilla Firefox, KDE, Inkscape, and so on. Free software community started back at 1983 when the GNU Project initially announced, while open source community started back at 1998 when the Open Source Initiative organization initially founded. FLOSS community as a whole consists of many communities such as Qt Community, and every single community (usually) has international conference such as Qt has QtCon, KDE has Akademy, GNU has GHM, Linux has LinuxCon, and so on.