Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 01:00

Scibus provides image text flow feature. This is how your text flows naturally around image like you see in many publications. This is reached by editing boundaries (Scribus calls it Contour Line) of an image. The text will automatically flow, following your boundaries form. Follow this example.

1. Create Text Boxes

To see this feature well, create two columns.

2. Create Image Frame

Place an image frame on center of two columns. Let the image as is for now. See picture below.

3. Edit Boundaries

Press F2 > Shape > Edit Contour Line > click Edit button > click edit blue lines around image.  You may add more nodes by using Add Nodes button.  See picture below.

4. Finishing

Edit and edit the boundaries (Contour Line) so the text will flow flawlessly following your image form. Don't forget to click End Editing button. See this final result.

5. Export

After you finish all tasks, see the result by exporting it to PDF. My result will be like this.