Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 21:28

If you are using KDE, and find Recently Used section in your menu, you probably feel it is annoying. Especially for your privacy. So how to disable it? There are two methods, temporarily and permanently. I use KDE 4.10.3 (Ubuntu 12.04) here and you may use this article until KDE 5.


Open KDE Menu > Recently Used > right-click > Clear Recent Documents. Remember, any file you open later, will fill this Recent section again.


Do this command:
chmod u-w ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/
This command means user minus write (forbid user to write) for KDE RecentDocuments directory. If you forbid any writing attemp into RecentDocuments, automatically it will be disabled in KDE Menu. This is applicable in KDE for Ubuntu. If you are using another distro (e.g. openSUSE), maybe you must use .kde4 instead of .kde directory.
