Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Friday, March 18, 2016 at 13:49

In LibreOffice Writer, we need to click menu every time we need to insert copyright symbol. How if we need to do it 20 times, for example? That will be not efficient in time. Actually, Writer provided AutoCorrect feature for some most common symbols such as copyright, trademark, and registered. To insert any, you just need to type some characters. You may insert it in any place in your document. You don't need to access the menu again.


To insert copyright symbol, type


and tap space bar once. Notice the uppercased 'C' not lowercased 'c'. Otherwise it won't work.

To insert trademark symbol, type


and tap space bar once. Notice the lowercased 'tm', not uppercased 'TM'.


To insert registered symbol, type


and tap space bar once. Notice the uppercased 'R', not lowercased 'r'.


See picture below.