Betelgeuse is a new Faience like Icon theme for KDE, Betelgeuse is an Icon theme developed by acidrums4 on deviant art. The project is claimed to be started with the aim to create a complete, modern, clean and eye-candy icon theme for the KDE Desktop Environment.

The Project is still under development and does not contain full set of icons, but the Icon theme seems promising and is an ultimate eyecandy for your KDE desktop.


You can either download the icon set in zip file from here and extract it under ~/.kde4/share/icons/, or clone the git repo.

To install the icons through git you need to have git installed on your Ubuntu machine, to install git you can use the following command
  • $ sudo apt-get install git
Now you can install the icons using git as follows,
  • $ git clone git://
  • $ cd betelgeuse-sources
  • $ sh ./

The Icon theme is licensed under Creative Commons with Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
